State Assessments
State Assessments Washington students are tested regularly by the state to assess their progress as they move through school. State tests include the following, and may be taken with or without tools, supports, or accommodations*:
- Smarter Balanced: English language arts (ELA) and math tests
- Measurements of Student Progress (MSP): Science test for grades 5 and 8
- Washington – Access to Instruction and Measurement (WA-AIM): ELA, math, and science alternate assessments for students with significant cognitive challenges documented in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
* Tools are available to all students and can be used at the student's discretion. Supports are available to English language learners and any student with a need identified by an educator. Accommodations are for students who receive special education services with a documented need noted in an IEP or 504 plan.
Other Assessments
- OSPI-Developed Assessments (formerly CBAs) and OSPI-Developed Performance Assessments (formerly CBPAs): The state develops classroom-based assessments based on the state's learning standards to help guide day-to-day instruction.
- National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): NAEP is a national assessment that allows educational achievement to be compared across states.
- Washington English Language Proficiency Assessment (WELPA): WELPA placement test assesses the reading, writing, listening, and speaking knowledge and skills of students whose families answer "yes" to questions #2 or #3 on the Home Language Survey.
- English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21): ELPA21 is a new assessment that measures the reading, writing, listening, and speaking knowledge and skills of students whose families answer "yes" to questions #2 or #3 on the Home Language Survey.
- Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Skills (WaKIDS): This program helps bring families, teachers, and early learning providers together to support each child's learning and transition into public schools.
The state testing timeline shows the history of how Washington phased in state testing.
More Information for State Required Testing may be found at